

We have over a decade of experience working with combat related traumatic brain injury. Our TBI therapist has worked closely with Intrepid Spirit and the Wounded Warrior Battalion to serve our military personnel with highly skilled intervention approaches.

We are commonly asked what services we provide that relate to brain injury.
Do you struggle with memory, focus, planning, or pulling the words you want to say? These are just a few examples of the deficits we work on.

Cognitive-communication disorders are difficulties in communicative competence (listening, speaking, reading, writing, conversation, and social interaction) that result from underlying impairments (attention, memory, organization, information processing, problem solving, and executive functions).

Experience working with combat related TBI is critical for comprehensive care within our military community.

We are prepared to provide advanced therapy services for a fraction of the cost to our active duty service members and veterans. The only process to get started is giving us a call. No wait time, no middle man.


Babies to Bookworms: Learn to Read


Stories and Singalongs